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Getting Started twistieHow do I register for Covisint? MOST POPULAR
General Users Ask...
twistieHow do I reset my password?
  1. Navigate to the Login Screen.
  2. Click Forgot Your Password.

  3. Key in your User ID and then click Submit.
  4. Key in the answer to each security question in the corresponding open text fields. Your answers must match exactly that which you entered during your initial registration, including case and space sensitivity. (The Answer field is a case-sensitive field. You must remember exactly how you keyed in the answer during registration).
  5. Click Submit. The first half of the new, system generated temporary password is displayed on the screen. The second half of this temporary password has been emailed to the address you entered during registration.
  6. Write down the first half of the temporary password from the screen, and obtain the second half of the temporary password from your email. This temporary password is a single use password, and is a combination of letters and numbers totaling eight characters (i.e., 9AG877BO). The user is forced to create a new password the next time the user attempts to login, as in steps 7 - 13 below.
  7. Click Login from the Password Reset screen.
  8. Key in your User ID and 8-digit temporary password in the corresponding fields. (Recall that the first 4 digits were displayed on the screen, and the remaining 4 digits were emailed to the address with which you registered in the system).
  9. Click Login. The Update Password screen is displayed.
  10. In the Current Password field, key in the complete 8-digit temporary password you have just obtained.
  11. In the New Password field, key in the new password you wish to create.
  12. In the Confirm New Password field, key in the new password you created in the previous steps.
  13. Click Update.
video Watch how to reset your password  

twistieHow do I request an application?
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  1. From the My Profile drop down menu, click Request Service Package.
  2. Click request next to the package you wish to request.
  3. Enter the reason for request in the open text box.
  4. Click continue.
  5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 as necessary for additional service packages.
Refer to the General User Guide for additional details.
twistieWho is my Security Administrator?
You can find out who your Security Administrator is by clicking the My Administrators link inside the application. You will see a list of all users in your organization with administrative responsibility.
twistieWhy is my portal access showing up as inactive, and how can I get it re-activated? 
Your portal access becomes inactive if you do not launch an application in the portal for a specified amount of time. Please be sure to access applications regularly to keep your portal access intact. Your administrator can re-activate your portal access for you (note: Covisint cannot reactivate your inactive portal grants; only your administrator can do that).
twistieNobody has responded to my request for a package or site code. Now what?
Your request was routed to your Security Administrator. You can send a reminder email to your Security Administrator by viewing your profile, then clicking the View Pending Requests link inside the application. You will have an opportunity from that screen to remind your Security Administrator to evaluate your request or you can cancel the request.
twistieHow do I withdraw a request for a package or site code?
Withdraw your request by clicking View Profile and then click View Pending Requests. You can cancel your request from that screen.
twistieHow do I request additional site codes?
  1. Click on View Service Packages
  2. Click the sub-package that you wish to request additional codes.
  3. Click Request Site Code. Your request will be routed to your administrator.
twistieWhy don't I see the package or sub-package I want on the list of requestable packages?
If you have already have been approved or already have a pending request for that package or sub-package, you won't see the package on the list. Keep in mind that if you are trying to find a specific service, it may be bundled in a package with a different name. Check the package description to view the services it contains.
twistieHow do I request a Home Location Code?
  1. Click on View Service Packages
  2. Click the sub-package that you wish to request additional codes.
  3. Click Request Site Code. Your request will be routed to your administrator.
twistieWhere can I see portal password rules / requirements?
A list of password rules are available in several places:
  1. Click show PW rules to view password rules / requirements. This link is is displayed on every page in which users are prompted to change their passwords:
  2. Read the rules on the Change Password screen, and click the more password rules link to vieiw more details. Note: The screen shot below is for example only. Rules displayed in the screen shot below are default Covisint password rules. Your organization may have customized the rules, so your screen may have different information on it. Be sure to read the password rules for your organization..
twistieMy Security Administrator has left the company. Now what?
The first step is to determine who the new Security Administrator should be. The new Security Administrator can send an email to requesting the change.
Security Administrators Ask...
twistieHow do I change my registered organization name in Covisint?
The Security Administrator for the registered organization should send an email to Next, Covisint will begin the process of the requested name change by sending a form (via email) for the Security Administrator to complete.
twistieHow do I create new users? MOST POPULAR
Create new users by inviting them to register. To do so, click the Invite User link under the Users tab. The user will then receive an email invitation that provides direction and a link to the self-registration site. Once the user is finished, you will be notified via email. You will then be able to approve the user.
twistieHow do I terminate users? MOST POPULAR
To terminate a user, you must first suspend the user. Suspend any user in your organization by clicking on the "suspend user" button in the user's profile. If there is no chance that the user will need Covisint access at a later date, you have the option to permanently remove a suspended user by clicking on the "permanently remove user" button in the user's profile. To suspend and/or remove users in bulk, use the Audit Users functionality in the Administration menu.
twistieCan I re-activate a permanently removed user?
No, permanently removed users cannot be reactivated. The user will need to re-register to re-obtain access.
twistieWho is a Service Authority Organization (SAO)?
The Service Authority Organization is a designation of primary responsibility for all organizations with the same parent supplier code. The Covisint Connection and Administration (CCA) tool allows companies to create multiple administrative organizations for a single Legal Corporation. For example, a company's European offices may have a completely separate CCA organization from the North American offices' CCA organizations. Most Portal packages, such as the Ford and Chrysler Supplier Portals, require relationships between these organizations based on the Supplier Code. Service Authority Organization Responsibilities:
  • Approve Requests for the service submitted by related organizations
  • Approve and Revoke Site Codes grants to related organizations
  • Revoke access to the service from related organizations
twistieHow do I change the SAO designation?
In the case where multiple distinct CCA organizations have the same parent supplier code attached to a portal grant, the SAO designation can be switched between those related organizations. The organization that currently has the SAO designation must initiate the process.
  1. Click View my Organization Service Packages from the My Organization drop down menu. The View Service Package Screen is displayed.
  2. Click on the name of the portal service package for which you wish to change the SAO designation. The Details Screen for that service package is displayed.
  3. Click request to change SAO.
  4. Select the organization to receive the SAO designation. If there are no organizations listed, it means that no other CCA organization has the same parent supplier code for the portal package selected.
  5. Review the change and click submit.
twistieWhat is the difference between "suspended" and "permanently removed"?
Suspension is a state of temporary deactivation. Users, Organizations, and Service Packages can be suspended. It would be appropriate to suspend an employee on medical leave or on a temporary assignment that does not require Covisint access. Once a User, Organization, or Service Package has been suspended the Security Administrator can reactivate the user account when desired, or permanently remove access. A User or Organization that has been permanently removed cannot be reinstated and must re-register to access Covisint applications.
twistieI tried to add a package to a user and received the following error: "No location codes available." What does this mean?
Some partner portal packages and sub-packages require site codes be associated with the grant. The error message implies that your organization does not have access to any site codes for that Partner Portal, which is preventing you from performing the grant. You can "Request Additional Site Codes" from your parent administrator.


  1. Click My Organization Services to find the Parent Portal Package.
  2. Click the Portal Package to view the grant details.
  3. From the details screen, click the Request Additional Site Codes link.